Hermes necklace
07920270 H e r m è s 爱马仕 Chaine d’ancre 大号 链环 OT扣 项链 锁骨链 ➡click on image or title for more details
Hermes necklace
06920260 H e r m è s 爱马仕 Chaine d’ancre 链环 长链 OT扣 项链 ➡click on image or title for more details
Hermes necklace
06920260 H e r m è s 爱马仕 Chaine d’ancre 链环 OT扣 项链 ➡click on image or title for more details
Gucci earrings
10905330 古驰 G U C C I Link to Love Bar系列 耳坠 链条 耳环 ➡click on image or title for more details
Gucci necklace
14905410 古驰 G U C C I Link to Love Lariat系列 OT扣 横杆 项链 ➡click on image or title for more details
Qeelin necklace
07906280 Qeelin 麒麟 小红锁 镶钻 红玛瑙 项链 ➡click on image or title for more details
Qeelin bracelet
07906270 Qeelin 麒麟 小红锁 镶钻 红玛瑙 手链 ➡click on image or title for more details
Givenchy necklace
05906230 Givenchy 纪梵希 光面 G字母 拼接 链条⛓ 项链
Fendi ring
03906208 Fendi 芬迪 秀场明星 模特同款 F字母 珐琅 戒指 💍 678码齐 ➡click on image or title for more details
Fendi earrings
04906220 Fendi 芬迪 金属 F字母 粗环 耳环 ➡click on image or title for more details